Trust and Best Industrial (TBI) are global sourcing service experts on industry components, with strong logistic service capability worldwide. We are reliable industry partner for customers who are interesting in China business opportunities.

 TBI is started in the year of 2004, located in Shanghai, China. We are focusing on China sourcing service from the beginning till now. Our customers are oversea industry makers who want to source from China, to get quality reliable parts with low cost, and also to have on site quality control with our local quality engineers by checking suppliers' production process during the producing and before the parts are ready to be shipped out. With years of development, we accumulate a solid supplier base, with numbers of reliable suppliers of different company sizes, and different production process such as casting, machining, stamping, surface treatment, and assembly. The products we work for include metal parts, plastic parts, assembled parts, which are used for car industry, home appliances industry, and others industries.

TBI also can provide warehouse service now in China, Italy following our customers’ request. We can provide warehouse service in other countries following customer’s request.

Since we always put customer's needs on the top priority, and use our best service to add values for customer, we get our customers trust for so many years. We are also proud of our capability to be a strong industry partner when our customer constructed manufacturing company located in China.